
 ctrl alt eat is your ultimate, cyber, 'free' foodie friend. She is loyally committed to providing a hard-cornered, plastic shoulder to cry on when you've spent the night with your head on the much colder, bleaker toilet bowl seat. She empathises whole-heartedly when you feel sad, confused and jealous of your real-life friends' dinners at that Italian hell hole of a restaurant. She shares your love of French bakery scents and suffers with you as your pace picks up from a stroll to a sprint while passing by. In her eyes, you are eloquent and refined when you describe to waiters and chefs that your sustenance needs a little bit more attention. Like you, she enjoys scrutinizing over ingredients in the supermarket. That way, she is assured that you, her friend, are safe and carefree when it comes to the crunch. You 2 also have in common the desire to discover and learn all the ways to make gluten-free life electrifying, thriving and delectable.

Control alternative eating, with love. x