Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Bondi Breakies

As you can probably tell by past posts, I hang out in Bondi a lot. So in keeping with this pattern, I'm dedicating this post to eating breakfasts in Bondi.

There's nothing better than a Sunday morning spent with your lady/gentleman friend, catching up with good mates or sitting peacefully alone reading the paper (or brain-frying fashion mags in my case) and enjoying a mighty egg breakfast made just for you. Now that's called relaxation.

Green's Cafe ---- 140 Glenayr Avenue, Bondi Beach
A quaint, little organic cafe. Feels like you've stepped into gran's house for a meal, or maybe just an old-fashioned, girly friend's home. Not your average menu with food such as parmesan scrambled eggs and home-made baked beans. They serve gee-free toast. Ask what else you can eat. 8.5/10

Joe and Willy's Depot ---- 1/286 Campbell Parade, North Bondi
Not only do they have toast for us, they also have pancakes! I love this place but I've struggled to get my normal friends to join me for a meal there. Why don't you try? 7.5/10

Brave Cafe ---- 68 Gould Street, Bondi
Grungy, arty (the whole place is painted with street art) and kind of dirty if you walk to the bathrooms (although dirt pretty much partners grunge). They use the Organic Bakery's bread but more on that later. I'm not a huge fan of these guy's menu. But it's do-able for a snack and coffee. 7/10

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